Thursday, October 09, 2003

I hate to admit it but once in a while I catch myself watching Martha Stewart on TV…Then I must also admit that I have some crazy inner dialog… it goes something like this…

"Did you know that the word 'pancake' comes from the Swedish 'panne kokken'?" asks Martha Stewart.

Aw, gee, I always thought it came from cakes that you make in a pan, Martha!

Jes oh Pete, Martha's making pancakes. She's making them with frigging yeast for the love of god - yes! Yeast! And "let the batter rise for at least an hour - you should refrigerate if you make the batter the night before - then return it to room temperature in the morning before you begin."

You see, this is where I just pour some water in the Aunt Jemima pancake mix. But then, I really like Aunt Jemima pancakeWups again.

I just fling 'em onto de plate

"Be sure to warm the serving platter."

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