Sunday, October 12, 2003

How 'bout these apples?Recently we..that is my Hubby and myself have jumped on the healthy band wagon.
He's in school for he recommendes before grabbing your favorite snack food chew on this..

Mostly disgusting, weird, bizarre or funny. And to begin with:
o One 15-ounce bag of potato chips = 1 cup of oil
o One 12-ounce can of Coke = 10 teaspoons of sugar
o 1 medium movie popcorn (11 cups) with "butter topping" = 8 potatoes
o 1 McDonald’s Big Mac and large fries = 1 cup of Crisco.
o 1 pint of Vanilla Haagen-Dazs ice cream = 2/3 stick of butter
o One 12 oz. cafe mocha = 1 Taco Bell soft taco
o 1 Bagel with Cream Cheese = 2 ½ slices of pepperoni pizza

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