Friday, October 17, 2003

Crazy Day...
well I had a rather lovely day..woke up at about ten.. pretty much like every other day. Biked about 8 miles..still normal..took a shower..still dressed...still normal.. left for work...That's when i stepped right into the twilight zone...can you hear the weht something like this....

Today we are standing here in the quiet sleepy town of Jacksonville. Just a regular day just like any other..Enter stage left..a young female chef.. She thinks she going to leave for work early. She's a good team player and wants to get ahead of the game..But now you are about to enter the twilight zone...

ok here's the short version of my day.. Car had a flat tire, went to put the spare on, it was flat too. Then I said $%#@!#$! You get the idea..When I finally got to work. It seemed maybe that the Twilight zone was behind me...WRONG...To make a long story short..Umpteen hundred people decided they all wanted to eat at the same time...
Yes today was big fat stinky day... And it's all up hill in the snow both ways tomorrow..
So it will be very interesting..
Hopefully no twilight zone music will play when i wake up in the morning..on the other hand it didn't play this morning when i woke snuck up on me...
hopefully it won't sneak up on you!!!

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