Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Burr!! Are you sure we are still in Florida?
Howdy from Jacksonville!! Its been a little chilly Theres a possibility it could snow tonight.(by now it would have been last night) At least that is what the weather guy said on the news. I dont know about that? It defiantly cold enough, on the other whos so lucky to be 60% wrong most of the time and can keep their job. Thats right the weather man/woman. Must be nice, if I was wrong that often I would be thrown out on my keister a long time ago. I really cant complain about the weather for 2 reasons : 1) if I was up north, it would much, much colder snow and ice and all the nasty stuff that goes with it 2) Im still debating if we really live in Northern Florida or south Georgia.

What do the "experts" say? The thinner the better.
Short-term diets work.
Yo-yo dieting is terrible.
Heavy isn't so bad.
Heavy is beautiful.
Heavy is deadly.
It's all a matter of willpower.
Heavy people are lazy.
Thin people are just lucky.
Thin people work to be that way.
Here, take this pill.
Don't take that pill, it's dangerous!
Take this other pill instead.
Here, drink this drink.
Do as I say, not as I do.
Exercise, exercise, exercise!
You're programmed to be this way, don't worry. There's nothing you can do about it.
Give me lots of money and do what I tell you and you'll be beautiful.
Let's just suck out some of that ugly fat.
Walk every day.
Don't eat so much.
Don't eat so little.
You're eating at the wrong time of the day.
Eat more protein.
Eat less protein.
Count calories.
Don't count calories.
Eat bananas.
Fruit is too high in sugars.
Avoid carbohydrates.
Eat more carbohydrates.
Don't eat processed food.
Don't eat meat.
Don't eat anything.
Have your head examined.

I think the worstlosingf loseing weight for me is the mixed messages. I don't know about you bot it can be very over whelming at times. But i try to keep a level head. I just tell myself that moderation is the key. And that eating didn't make my but big, but sitting in my butt made it big.

Stay warm you live up north or down south...

The Mrs.

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