Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Tuesday’s Tipone day late. We have been having internet problems.

Well it is Tuesday again and time for the tip. This week we are going to talk about how many calories one needs to maintain, lose, and gain weight. The first thing to remember is that every person is different and will react differently to the foods that they eat.

First step is to establish how many calories a person needs to make their body work. We can determine how much that is by a simple formula of rounding. Generally, the total number of calories needed is equal to the weight in kilograms of ideal weightⁿ multiplied by 25. So a person whose ideal weight is 85 kg then the calories needed is 2125 kCal.

This calorie amount will allow the body to function normally and in most instances maintain the current body weight. If weight loss were desired, one would decrease this amount in increments. The equivalent of a pound of weight is 3500 kCal. This divided by 7 days a week gives you 500 calories a day to lose one pound a week. But it is not recommended to lose too much at one time. If you are trying to increase weight, it is not recommended to increase calories by more than 250.

ⁿ Ideal weight in kg can be determined by the following formula: women 100 lbs for first 5 feet and then 5 lbs for each additional inch, men 106 lbs for first 5 feet and then 6 lbs for each additional inch. Divide this weight by 2.2 kg/lbs and the dividend weight in kg.

Lettuce eat!

Thursday, February 19, 2004

Yummy i love this stuff...But did you Know!!!
This is a free excerpt from the nutrition book,
God's Banquet Table!

ASPARAGUS Available in early spring. Can be expensive due to difficulty in cultivating. Its claim to fame is the amino acid aspargagine which is destroyed by cooking. (So don't over cook, steam it just enough to eat) Aspargagine is a strong diuretic, stimulating the kidneys. Asparagus is a great blood cleanser and excellent for healthy bowel maintenance. Some find that it soothes a nervous mind. You may find your urine turning dark and develop a strong odor. This is a harmless by-product of asparagus. Asparagus contains beta-carotene, vitamins B1 and C, bioflavinoids, potassium, and vitamin C.

Fresh, it will be bright green and firm to the tip. Will keep a couple of days in the refrigerator. Asparagus is an expensive but delicious addition to any veggie juice drink. Excellent to juice with carrots.

Yummy... Asparagus season is just around the corner..I'm excited i hope you are to..Nutrious and delious.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Burr!! Are you sure we are still in Florida?
Howdy from Jacksonville!! Its been a little chilly Theres a possibility it could snow tonight.(by now it would have been last night) At least that is what the weather guy said on the news. I dont know about that? It defiantly cold enough, on the other whos so lucky to be 60% wrong most of the time and can keep their job. Thats right the weather man/woman. Must be nice, if I was wrong that often I would be thrown out on my keister a long time ago. I really cant complain about the weather for 2 reasons : 1) if I was up north, it would much, much colder snow and ice and all the nasty stuff that goes with it 2) Im still debating if we really live in Northern Florida or south Georgia.

What do the "experts" say? The thinner the better.
Short-term diets work.
Yo-yo dieting is terrible.
Heavy isn't so bad.
Heavy is beautiful.
Heavy is deadly.
It's all a matter of willpower.
Heavy people are lazy.
Thin people are just lucky.
Thin people work to be that way.
Here, take this pill.
Don't take that pill, it's dangerous!
Take this other pill instead.
Here, drink this drink.
Do as I say, not as I do.
Exercise, exercise, exercise!
You're programmed to be this way, don't worry. There's nothing you can do about it.
Give me lots of money and do what I tell you and you'll be beautiful.
Let's just suck out some of that ugly fat.
Walk every day.
Don't eat so much.
Don't eat so little.
You're eating at the wrong time of the day.
Eat more protein.
Eat less protein.
Count calories.
Don't count calories.
Eat bananas.
Fruit is too high in sugars.
Avoid carbohydrates.
Eat more carbohydrates.
Don't eat processed food.
Don't eat meat.
Don't eat anything.
Have your head examined.

I think the worstlosingf loseing weight for me is the mixed messages. I don't know about you bot it can be very over whelming at times. But i try to keep a level head. I just tell myself that moderation is the key. And that eating didn't make my but big, but sitting in my butt made it big.

Stay warm everyone..weather you live up north or down south...

The Mrs.

Monday, February 16, 2004

Tuesdays Tip!
How to Read Food Labels
Just about every packaged food made in the U.S. has a food label indicating serving size and other nutritional information. The "Nutrition Facts" food labels are intended to give you information about the specific packaged food in question. Measurements of fat, cholesterol, sodium, carbohydrate, protein, vitamins and minerals are calculated for a "typical portion." But, reading these labels can be confusing. Below is an example of a Nutrition Facts label, along with explanations of its components.

Serving Size. Serving sizes are based on the amount of food people typically eat, which makes them realistic and easy to compare to similar foods. This may or may not be the serving amount you normally eat. It is important that you pay attention to the serving size, including the number of servings in the package and compare it to how much you actually eat. The size of the serving on the food package influences all the nutrient amounts listed on the top part of the label. For example, if a package has 4 servings and you eat the entire package, you quadruple the calories, fat, etc. That you have eaten.

Calories and Calories From Fat. The number of calories and grams of nutrients are provided for the stated serving size. This is the part of the food label where you will find the amount of fat per serving.

Nutrients. This section lists the daily amount of each nutrient in the food package. These daily values are the reference numbers that are set by the government and are based on current nutrition recommendations. Some labels list daily values for both 2,000 and 2,500 calorie diets.

"% Daily Value" shows how a food fits into a 2,000 calorie/day diet. For diets other than 2,000 calories, divide by 2,000 to determine the % Daily Value for nutrients. For example, if you are following a 1,500 calorie diet, your % Daily Value goal will be based on 75% for each nutrient, not 100%.

For fat, saturated fat and cholesterol, choose foods with a low % Daily Value. For total carbohydrates, dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, try to reach your goal for each nutrient.
Calories Per Gram. This information shows the number of calories in a gram of fat, carbohydrate and protein.

Ingredients. Each product should list the ingredients on the label. They are listed from largest to smallest amount (by weight). This means a food contains the largest amount of the first ingredient and the smallest amount of the last ingredient.

Label Claim. Another aspect of food labeling is label claims. Some food labels make claims such as "low cholesterol"" or "low fat." These claims can only be used if a food meets strict government definitions. Here are some of the meanings.

LABEL CLAIM DEFINITION (per standard serving size)
Fat-free* or sugar-free Less than 0.5 gram (g.) of fat or sugar

Low fat 3 g. of fat or less

Reduced fat or reduced sugar At least 25% less fat or sugar

Reduced cholesterol At least 25% less cholesterol and 2 g. or less of saturated fat

Calorie free Less than 5 calories

Low calorie 40 calories or less

Light or lite 1/3 fewer calories or 50% less fat; if more than half the calories come from fat, fat content must be reduced by 50% or more.

Learn to read food labels like a pro. Don't be left out of the loop any more. We don't believe that counting every calorie or every gram of fat is necessary. But at least with the proper information we are able to watch what we are eating and have a better idea of proper portion size. This is a major issue, that is very crucial.

next on Tuesdays tip..how many calories do i need and how much food that boils down to.

Lettuce Eat!

Hello all!
I hope everyone had a lovely valentines day!! My was typical, i went to work made food for a bunch of people. In the process i ran my butt off. So happy belated V-Day.

Here's a tip from Mr. K-C. This came about because when i get off work every night I tend to be hungary. Just like everyone else, right? Time for dinner...And i complain because it's really hard because i don't like to eat late at night. because i feel guilty.

So i asked Greg this question...Aka future dietian of america" Can I eat late in the evening when dieting? I'm trying to make a life style change"
Yes. It's not when you eat - it's what and how much you eat, that counts

So, if you fancy a late snack, eat something sensible, like a big bowl of wholegrain cereal with fat-free milk.

Don't be tempted to eat a fat-bomb like a toasted cheese sandwich with slices of pepperoni and mayo!! (Death on a plate!)

I guess that makes sense to me!It's kinda weird! For thoughs of you who know my husband...that sandwich he described was something he would of ate. Now he is doing really well with eating healther and excercise.

I thought I would share it with you since you might have wondered the same thing!!

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Roasting for Beginners (KitchenTips)

In the beginning, roasting was done on a turning spit over an open fire and the juices ran over the surface of the meat basting it continuously.

Nowadays most roasting takes place in the oven and offers a fast method of cooking tender portions of meat, poultry, and fish. The funny thing there are so many mixed messages when it comes to roasting. I don't know why..It seems pretty simple to me!

This is how you roast like a pro.You want to start with an oven that's preheated at a high temperature(375) to seal the meat thus preventing a loss of juices while at the same time caramelizing the surface.

After 10- 20 minutes, lower the temperature and continue roasting until done.

Some say ... meats should be basted to keep from drying out ( or that's what text books say..But I don't think it's necessary)they say some cuts of meat like pork are fatty enough and will require no basting. Basting is silly..I never do it.

Many books and many say..Sometimes it may be necessary to bard (tie pieces of fat to the surface of) what you are cooking to help with basting. This is when you slap bacon around meat while roasting. It's a very classical..old fashion idea. It's yummy but it's just another way to add unneeded fat calories..I don't do this either.

another silly thing they say..Birds can be cooked breast down to start and then finished on the other side to allow the juices and fat to flow into the breast meat. I cook my turkey right side up. The trick is to not over cook the bird in the first place. Take the bird out at 158-160 degrees. Let it rest for about 8-10 minutes. Ask any chef about this one..I beat they cook there bird right side up,too!

This point is actually a good one. Make sure you have a roasting pan that is the correct size for what you are cooking. Too big.... and the food may burn, too small and your roast may stick to the sides of the pan. Too shallow... and your oven will be a mess, too deep.....your food will steam, not roast.

Happy roasting..it's a simple easy way to prepare meat. It's very yummy too!

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Oops!Yesterday I mentioned a new addition to our sidebar. I said delicious destinations...What i really meant was Delicious Decisions. It's under nutrition 101, check it out!!

On to the next Topic of the Day

Happy heart day as i would like to call or as many of us know it as Valentines Day. I don't know what you will being doing this saturday? I'll be working..what a shame you say, me too! But like any other holiday in my profession we work, oh wee. Now on to you all out there. What are you doing. i hope your doing something nice with your sweetheart. The best thing I can think of is cooking a nice home cooked dinner. This isn't just for the ladies to do, I know some of you gents out there know how to cook to. So as I like to say nothin' says lovin' like some heart healthy from the oven!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Books, Books, Books!!!
Part of my new years resolution was to read books with more substance. So I finished one more book that was definetly doesn't count towards that. So my next book i'm going to read is going to have more substance, I even promised myself. I got a few books for christmas, maybe i will start with thoughs??? I'll let you know what i decide reading. My brain was enjoying the non- thinking reads, but i must admit that thinking could be a good thing. it's not like my profession takes a lot of brain to do succuessfully...definatly more braun than anything..

On another note..
i don't know if anyone noticed the addition to the side bar? Delicious destinations. Check it out.. it's definatly heart smart.

There is an Indian Belief that everyone is in a house of four rooms:
A physical, a mental, an emotional and a spiritual. Most of us tend to live in one room most of the time, but unless we go into every room everyday, even if only to keep it aired, we are not complete.
-Rumer Godden

Monday, February 09, 2004

Tuesday's Tip

Well another week has passed and the time has come again to dispense the knowledge that you have come to know as Tuesday's Tip. As you saw yesterday there was progress made albeit small, any progress is good in the right direction. So here is the tip for this week:

Don't always lose sight of your goals by making them so large that you become frustrated with them, set attainable goals that will encourage you. There are several schools of thought when it comes to goal setting. One of them is the one mentioned before where one sets goals that can be reached in a moderate period of time and then sets a new goal of the same variety. The other school of thought involves setting long term goals and setting several smaller goals associated with each goal that will help guide the success.

We are trying a combination method. We set a goal to get more healthy. We set no real time table or method to do this we just want to be more healthy than we are now. We are taking our progress in 4 month chunks and monitoring the physical evidence that displays that progress every two weeks. We learn from each other what is working and what doesn't and we encourage each other to strive to meet our goals.

lettuce eat!

Sunday, February 08, 2004

Update on: Mission Butt Shrink!!!

Well, officially it's been 2 weeks since the Mister started. His weigh in and measure day is every other Sunday. So here's his progress: 3# down, and 4.5 in. Total loss. You go with your bad self and keep up the good work.

As far as I go...I been working on my mission for about six months. I have been more maintaining than losing. At least my weight has stabilized. My progress up till now is:
12# down, and 11 in. Total loss. Mind you my bicepts have grown almost an inch.
So now I'm back for the big loss this time. I am biking farther, and lifting heavier weights. And of course cutting back on the junk food more. I don't believe in depriving myself, but a healthy balance is much easier to maintain.

How did we get started
First we bought 2 spiral notebooks to track our progress

2nd We weighed in and measured up
The body measurements needed are: Neck, Chest(bust), waist( 1 inch above navel), hips(measure at the fullest point), Arms( measure from 3 inches below arm pit), thigh(measure from around the highest point in the in side of you leg)

Remember inches are what really count the most
We recommend taking a photo and adding it into the notebook also

Thats how we started!
in our notebooks we track our excercise, diet, and most important what we are thinking in our head about how we are doing. We recommend it highly. The next item on our disscussion list will be our specific goals and our plan of action!!! And what ever else pops up as interesting!!:^D

Friday, February 06, 2004

Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?

What do you do when you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant?

If a parsley farmer is sued, can they garnish his wages?

Why don't sheep shrink when it rains?

Is it true that cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny?

Question: What is green and goes to a summer camp?
Answer: A Brussels' scout.


What childhood cereals do you still enjoy?

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Confessions of a Couch Potato

I’m a reformed couch potato.This is a formal goodbye to my couch lounging days! Not that I’m going to stop relaxing, because we all know that would be bad. But to do it less often, especially when I should be doing something else.

Probably you always thought that men where the only ones who deserved this description. I’m here to say that women are almost as lazy as men at times, and we deserve equal opportunity to claim the starchy vegged-out category. But I thought I would get these thoughts out of my system and maybe you could get a chuckle out of them, too!

I was not just an ordinary couch potato, but an expert at couch potato technique. There is only one thing is really necessary for being a couch potato and that is a couch. There are other things that give couch potatoes greater comfort.Any good (or should I say great) couch potato, male or female, will tell you that their most non-productive moments are spent in front of a television. It’s not essential, it does help to have the tv playing so that the couch spud at least appears to be doing something.(not that watching is really doing something any way)Accessories are also helpful in gaining the ultimate in couch potato comfort. Pillows for the neck are helpful. Naturally you do not want to use a bed pillow, as that would be false to your purpose. Little couch pillows work well. ( I recommend them highly.)A blanket is needed to stay warm and cozy.. Again, we do not want to use actual bed accessories. Afghans grandma made are perfect for this. They can be casually thrown across the arm of your couch as a decorator accent, and quickly grabbed to double as cover when the urge to nap hits and we do not want to spoil the mood.

Couches come in assorted sizes and types. The best couch potato couches are long enough to accommodate the entire body while in a horizontal position. They should be soft and wide enough that you do not feel as if you may fall off. I have spent many lazy hours catching Z’s, on my big blue couch. Creative technique is important this allows the wide arms to be used as headrest and footrest. Not complete comfort, by any means, but complete determination. One must be also willing to tolerate a minor neck ache when waking up from this position.

Why bother with all this, you say? If you’re sleepy or THAT lazy, go to bed! Obviously you do not understand the point. Years of practice are needed to prefect a couch potato technique. The point is NOT to go to bed, but to catch forty winks elsewhere.Too much time on my hands? Not at all! The best hours are those stolen when I should absolutely be doing other activities. Actually, I feel a bit drowsy right now. I think I’ll finish this column later. Would you pass me that afghan?

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

V-Day is just Around the corner!!

Some little-known facts about Valentine's Day:
Valentine's Day has its origins in the ancient Roman feast of Lupercalia, an annual festival held on Feb. 15 to help keep dangerous wolves away from townspeople and their crops. On the eve of the festival, Feb. 14, the young women of the town would write their names on slips of paper, put them in a jar, and every young man would pick out a name at random. The pair would then be partners for the remainder of the festival.

It was 270 B.C. when St. Valentine stood up for love, after Roman Emperor Claudius II forbade Roman soldiers to get engaged or married, believing that married men would rather stay at home than go to war. The priest named Valentine, in defiance of Claudius' orders, secretly married young couples, and on Feb. 14, was punished for his "crime," thereby becoming the patron saint of lovers.

Some old beliefs:

During the Middle Ages, Europeans believed that birds chose their mates each year on Feb. 14.

Some people used to believe that if a woman saw a robin fly overhead on Valentine's Day, it meant she would marry a sailor; if she saw a sparrow, she'd marry a poor man, and be very happy; if she saw a goldfinch, she'd marry a millionaire.

If you cut an apple in half and count how many seeds are inside, you will know how many children you will have.

Some charming Valentine's Day Customs:

In Wales, wooden love spoons were carved and given as gifts on Feb. 14. Heart, keys and keyholes were favorite decorations, which meant "you unlock my heart!"

In the Middle Ages, young men and women drew names from a bowl to see who their valentines would be. They'd wear these names on their sleeves for one week -- hence the term "to wear your heart on your sleeve."

Flowers on Valentine's Day appeared in the 17th Century. A daughter of Henry IV of France gave a party in honor of St. Valentine. Each lady received a beautiful bouquet of flowers from the man chosen as her valentine.
Now that we got the history lesson out of the way we can move on to the fun stuff. The next few days were going to post some menu's for a heathly valintines Day. Keep an open mind. You may be surprised how delicious healthy can be!!!

Sunday, February 01, 2004

Tuesdays TipOne Day Early

The K-C's are officially beginning our own personal battle of the bulge. That's right we are weighing in and getting the tape measure out of the draw. We would like to invite you into our personal journey of being healthier, happier, lighter, and more energetic. We are going to share our ups and down, and also give you all the tools you need to join in. In fact we wish everyone who wants to be a big loser to join in this as a group effort. Studies have shown the emotional support is essential to a success!!

Week one Topic:Getting Started: Losing Weight for the Long-Term

Losing weight and keeping it off is not easy. Before you get started on a weight loss program, consider the following tips. They should help you reach your goal of obtaining and maintaining a healthy weight.

Set the Right Goals

Setting effective goals is an important first step. Most people trying to lose weight focus on just that one goal. Weight loss. However, the most productive areas to focus on are the dietary and exercise changes that will lead to long-term weight control. Successful weight managers are those who select two or three goals at a time that they are willing to take on.

Keep in mind that effective goals are specific, attainable, and forgiving. For example, "exercise more" is a wonderful goal, but it's not specific. "Walk five miles everyday" is specific and measurable, but is it attainable if you 're just starting out?" Walk 30 minutes every day" is more attainable, but what happens if you're held up at work one day and there's a thunderstorm during your walking time another day? "Walk 30 minutes, five days each week" is specific, attainable, and forgiving.

Reward Success (But Not With Food!)

Rewards that you can control can be used to encourage you to attain your weight control goals, especially those that have been difficult for you to reach.

An effective reward is something that is desirable, timely, and contingent on meeting your goal. Rewards may include treating yourself to a movie or music CD or taking an afternoon off from work or just an hour of quiet time away from family. Keep in mind that numerous small rewards, delivered for meeting smaller goals, are more effective than bigger rewards, requiring a long, difficult effort.

Balance Your (Food) Checkbook

This means that you should monitor your eating behavior by observing and recording some aspect of your eating behavior, such as how many calories you eat in a day, how many servings of fruits and vegetables you eat per day, how often and for how long you exercise, etc., or an outcome of these behaviors, such as weight.

Doing this can really help you determine how you are doing and what you need to do to meet your weight control goals.

Avoid a Chain Reaction

Identify those social and environmental cues that tend to encourage you to undesired eating, and then work to change those cues. For example, you may learn that you're more likely to overeat while watching television, or whenever treats are on display by the office coffee pot.

Then work to sever the association of eating with the cue (don't eat while watching television), avoid or eliminate the cue (leave coffee room immediately after pouring coffee). In general, visible and accessible food items are often cues for unplanned eating.

Get the (Fullness) Message

Changing the way you go about eating can make it easier to eat less without feeling deprived. It takes 15 or more minutes for your brain to get the message you've been fed. So slow down the rate that you eat food. That will allow satiety (fullness) signals to begin to develop by the end of the meal. Eating lots of vegetables or fruit can also make you feel fuller. Another trick is to use smaller plates so that moderate portions do not appear meager. In addition, by changing your eating schedule, or setting one, can help you reach your goal, especially if you tend to skip, or delay, meals and overeat later.

These are just a few things to keep in mind while we get geared up for the challenge!
A lot of the issues to come are not fun to discuss, but are very important. Remember today is the first day of the rest of our lives!! So let's not waste anymore time!!

Lettuce Eat,
Greg K-C