Friday, July 09, 2004

If I tell you not to think of monkeys for next 5 minutes, the first thought that will invariably come to your mind will be of monkeys!

Likewise, if you're attempting to follow a low fat healthy diet program, keeping away from fatty food becomes a challenge of a lifetime and can be very depressing. Here are some alternatives to high-fat fare that you may find helpful.

First of all milkshakes.. Don't we all love 'em? But the usual stuff is way too fattening to continue with while trying to lose weight. The healthy alternative is to make them with low-fat frozen yogurt and skim milk. It does the trick so incredibly well that generally you won't even notice the difference and your craving goes away as soon as you sip it!

Next up cream cheese.. especially for your bagel topping.. Try pureeing some low or non-fat cottage cheese along with fresh fruit, your favorite spice or flavoring or maybe some strawberry jam. This will provide you with creamy, delightful topping for your bagel without the added fat. Moreover go for store bought bagels rather than the Bakery bagels which tend to be more fattening. TRY WHOLE WHEAT THEY ARE BETTER FOR YOU AND I!!

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