Sunday, March 07, 2004

Invisible accidents
Have you ever been driving on an interstate highway when traffic suddenly slows to a crawl? You inch along for many minutes while waiting to see the accident which must have caused the jam. At the same time you also curse the "rubberneckers" who are causing the whole problem. But then all the cars ahead of you take off at high speed. The jam is over, but no accident, no police cars, nothing. WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT! A traffic jam with no cause? In the rear-view mirror you see all the poor saps behind you still stuck in the jam. But why? If all those people could just speed up at the same time, the whole traffic jam would evaporate. Why don't they ever do that? What caused the mysterious slowdown in the first place?

Todays Tip:

Snacking during the day can be dangerous because you may tend to eat many sugary sweets or sodium filled food such as potato chips. Eliminating snacking is definitely not the answer; snacking can serve as one of the many little meals you eat during the day. Here are some suggestions--that may require a bit of planning--for snack foods:

fresh blueberries

fresh fruit and nonfat milk "milk shake"

1/2 papaya filled with nonfat yogurt

1/2 cantaloupe filled with chicken salad or cottage cheese

air-popped popcorn

2 rice cakes(toasted) with a think slice of cheese

crunchy vegetables

peanut butter spread on a whole wheat bagel and topped

with raisins or banana slices

corn tortillas cut into triangles, baked until crispy, and served

with salsa

an English muffin topped with all-fruit jam

fruit-filled shredded wheat, Cheerios, and other ready-to-eat

If these seem to complicated or you are pressed for time, try snacking on the food that I mentioned above which you should carry with you at all times outside of home.

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