Thursday, April 13, 2006

How Fast would the World be if there was no E-Mail?

We live in a time where right this nanosecond is too slow. if you think about it 200 years ago you could either walk your post and be lucky if it got there in days much less if it was international and then it was a crap shoot.

100 years ago with the advent of the plane and car we saw the world speed up but still you could expect post to take a few days.

50 years ago as planes, trains, and automobiles grew into the streamlined age we sped up again and post could get to you in a day or so.

Now it is impossible to go a day without your cell phone, pda, ipod, and satelite radio or we would be lost and at what expense. We call or IM a coworker to go to lunch who is two offices down rather than getting up and asking them in person i mean what is that, personal?

why don't we slow down a bit or is that too much to ask?

OK now for the real fun stuff:
did you know that a good way to cure a cough is to take a large dose of laxatives?
yeah, after the laxative takes effect you will be afraid to cough.

just think about that when you walk by the ex-lax and robitussin aisle at the drug store or you could end up in the adult diaper section.


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