It’s all about Grapes!!
Huh? I know that what your saying…. I spoke with my older sis on the phone, she said I should blogg since I finally have a couple days off. Thank Goodness! Out of the last 13 days I have been working I have only had one off. That’s not the big deal, working 10 to 12 hour days standing on my feet running at full speed is the issue. Next on the agenda is Easter… Okay, enough about that boring stuff, here comes the fun part!!!
This Just in....Using only cheap, readily-available equipment, you can create a spectacular lightshow in the comfort of your very own kitchen, yes that right , providing hours of fun and excitement for your family, friends, and pets!
Ordinary grapes, when properly prepared and microwaved, spark impressively in an extremely entertaining manner. And you say tell me more, alright I sure will.
We have made an important new discovery in the field of culinary entertainment.( This is what we do at work when we have down time or sometimes a need to blow off some steam.) Properly prepared, the common seedless grape can be made to combust (Kabluie) spectacularly when subjected to a short (5-10 second) duration of microwaves. This study was conducted based upon suggestions from a half dozen or so over imaginative chefs using locally available funds and equipment.
Materials Required
·Green grapes (genus Vitis)
·Microwave-safe plate (Corelle by Corning)
·Knife (Ekco Stainless Steel)
.Microwave Oven
1.The chefs carefully cleared the the test kitchen of all non-essential personnel, especially those persons who might attempt to stop the experiment while the grapes were still in the pre-combustion phase.
2.Next, the grapes were carefully prepared for proper theatrical effect. The knife was used to carefully slice the grape almost in half, leaving the grape halves attached by the skin. ( Please do not attempt this at home…or maybe you should what the hell go for it. Next, the grapes halves were placed face down in the middle of the microwave safe plate
3.Next, the plate with the prepared grapes were placed into the center of the microwave oven and the door carefully shut. The microwave was set to cook at full power for 40 seconds.( Be careful if you have one of those new fandled machines..there much more powerful than the abused and beat up ones we have at work.
Observed Results The effect of the microwaves on the sliced grapes produced an extremely satisfying flare and associated sparks
The sparks began approximately 5 seconds after the microwave was started. Approximately 3-4 seconds after that, the force of the sparks separated the grape halves by approximately 1.5 cm, ending the theatrical effects. At that point the microwave session was aborted to prevent further damage to the microwave and/or grape.
Discussion and ConclusionsA future experiment calls for the microwaving of multiple grapes at the same time for inhanced theatrical effect. For those who wish to forge ahead on this research, the chefs suggest separating each grape by a distance of 1.5 cm or more. Note that the authors take no responsibility for any accidents resulting from mis-application of this study. If your microwave blows up and your house catches fire, call the fire department, not us. Our microwave ovens appear to be in good shape after repeated experiments.
The results of this study will greatly enhance the field of culinary entertainment. New pyrotechnic methods have been developed using commonly available grapes and microwave ovens. The chefs are planning to use this research as a basis for experimentation with other species of grape and produce. Results of such study will be made available in future publications
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