Sunday revisited....Hanging out with family watching The Bucs lose again. We all so played games, relaxed and had a good time. This picture is of My Mom and bro-in-law Laszlo while we were playing Yatzee Free for All. Had a tasty dinner of beef stroganoff which was so tasty on a chilly evening in Florida. We finished of the evening with our first strawberry bounce tasting of the season. If you don't know what bounce is...oh you don't I will be glad to fill you in. It is a liqueur made traditionally adding cherries and rock candy to vodka, whiskey, or even brandy. Put in a jar in the dark and shake every so often, stain it three months later. Pop and give it in the freezer the freezer for a few more. Longer you wait the smoother it gets like a fine congac. It was very delicious!!!
Cherry bounce is an all-American drink
Even Martha Washington enjoyed a sip of cherry bounce or two.
Louisianans aren't the only ones turning the summer cherry harvest into bottles of bounce. The homemade cordial is as American as apple pie.
Even Martha Washington brewed her own version for special occasions. The very first First Lady had a recipe that called for 20 pounds of cherries, 10 quarts of cognac, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg and a pint of crushed cherry stones.
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