Sunday, April 15, 2007

As the song says "the answer my friend is blowin' in the wind"

After work the Mister and I took a walk...that's the regular part of the story. But tonight we were so dedicated that we walked during a wind storm. That's right 25 mph winds that came in with that cool front, it was mighty chilly too. So half the walk it was hard to walk and half we had a little extra help. Our motto is "no more excuses".... we will work out like a mail man, we will walk and work out no matter the weather. Bye the way Greg is able to do 13 go with your bad self!!!! Lifes to short for excuses!!!!

Ways to Walk an Hour a Day
Walking in short bursts works!by Maggie Spilner

Weight loss experts say the same thing: In order to lose weight, you must walk for an hour a day, 5 or 6 days a week. To most of us, that seems like a huge chunk of time. But there's a simple solution that kept me from throwing in the towel: You can divvy up that hour over the course of a day.That's right, little chunks of activity are just as good as one big chunk, and they may be even better. So instead of trying to squeeze my hour of walking into my pre-breakfast get-ready-for-work routine, I do 20 minutes in the morning. At lunch, I step out for a brisk walk into town and run an errand or pick up a bite to eat at my desk. That's another 20, at least.I may take a walk break mid-afternoon, when I feel myself slumping in front of my computer. Then, after dinner, I either walk around the track by my home or pop a Leslie Sansone walking video in the VCR. I could feel satisfied with 40 minutes, but if weight loss is the goal, it's just not good enough. (And many guidelines suggest that a minumum of 1 hour a day may be the best bet for staying healthy too.)Research suggests that short bursts of activity may cause your body to burn calories more steadily throughout the day. If you're stumped on how to fit an hour into your day, try this chunking approach.

18 days till the graduation!!!!

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