Thursday, September 09, 2004

Strawberry Pop-Tart Blow-Torches

Strawberry Pop Tarts may be cheap and inexpensive. Toasters which fail to eject Pop Tarts cause the Pop Tarts to emit flames 10-18 inches in height.
IntroductionLast year, an article by well-known newspaper columnist Dave Barry noted that Kellogg's Strawberry Pop Tarts (SPTs) could be made to emit flames "like a blow torch" if left in a toaster too long. Given previous work in the field of food-entertainment , it was obvious that this was a new frontier that requires further exploration.

Do you want to know what could happen? Was Dave Barry pulling our legs. Well my distinguished associates and I looked into the matter ourselves.

Summary and Recommendations:

In summary, overcooking the SPT did produce a good size flame. The effect was not as pronounced as the researchers had hoped, but was satisfying nonetheless. The research assistant noted that the flames produced did appear to have some color variation. We believe that frosted SPTs may successfully produce even larger torches. Further research in this area is warranted.
We did desire to repeat the experiment with the remaining five SPTs, but we could not do so because the powers that be said reaserch was over. Instead, the remaining SPTs were sacrified over the course of the next several days in private, undocumented consumption experiments.

Please do not try this at home, unless supervised by a skilled professional.

This science experiment was brought to you by Liesol for deodorant, If it can make your toilet smell like a summer rain just think what it can do for your feet???

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