Monday, June 06, 2005

I'm a slacker!!!!

I know i have not been kepting up with blogging. It's a crazy time of year...season!!!!
that's right the time of year we have a million people to feed, screaming kids every where, and folks staying out in the sun to long and passing out!!! Yes season is here offically. That's the world i'm working in right now!!!! i know what your asking what else is going on? Well truthfully...not much. if you don't know by now at this time of social life is part of the all inclusive package I call work. It's crazy at this time of the year, after six 10 hour shifts you tend to get a little silly...finally i'm off today, i think it's tuesday? I sometimes get confused... all my days run together. Then wednesday back to the funny farm where I'll do four more days than off again on sunday. I can't wait to see what's in next weeks bag of surprises!!! Stop the insanity.....

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