Monday, November 23, 2009

What's the "Bigger purpose" of what your doing?

Do you know the story about the two stone cutters? When asked what he's doing the the first man replies "I'm cutting this stone into bricks." When the second laborer was asked what be was doing he replies" I'm building a temple".

How much do we do in a a day with our nose to the "grindstone"? Focused making a list, checking it twice..done, done, done!

But what have we done. Really?

There is a Big Real behind everything that we do. Sometimes it's a negative Big Real, sometimes it's a positive Big real.

I'm not posting my blog. I'm evoking the truth.

I'm not cleaning my house. I'm making it into a Zen Temple in which I can hear myself think and we can cozy up. (Okay I'm just joking with that one. Vacuuming is vacuuming and it sucks hard. Pun! I know I just caught it) but you get my point.

Whats become predictable and auto pilot for a great dream? or vision or bad plot, we really don't need to participate in.

Working overtime? Maybe your making sure you can take that vacation to the Caribbean?

Hauling your ass out of bed to run? How about; connecting with the power of your body and tapping into your creative being.

Waiting on tables? How about: teaching loving, kindness and nurturing?

Look Up! Zoom back from the tasks and see the holy weaving of our time, and love and action. Make it matter because it does!

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