HUH?Broken egg maths
Sampling statistics is a very complex issue and see if you can work this one out!
The following mathematics-related conundrum appeared in the October 11, 2002 issue of "The Salt Lake Tribune": The menu at the Coffee Garden at in Salt Lake City has included a scrumptious selection of quiche for about 10 years. The recipe calls for four fresh eggs for each quiche. A Salt Lake County Health Department inspector paid a visit recently and pointed out that research by the Food and Drug Administration indicates that one in four eggs carries salmonella bacterium, so restaurants should never use more than three eggs when preparing quiche. The manager on duty wondered aloud if simply throwing out three eggs from each dozen and using the remaining nine in four- egg-quiches would serve the same purpose. The inspector wasn't sure, but she said she would research it.
I don't know about you but that sounded like a bunch a crap with a capital C.
When the eggs are cooked the bacteria is killed.. On the other hand the health inspector might not realize that you bake a quiche for extended period of time.
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